is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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  • Petal-sealed heart  

    Do you deliberately humble yourself in front of others
    as measured by a swing-backed hedgehog?!
    Why do you have to put up with banging,
    no-man's-headed skulls kicking into you in a puffy puff?!
    All pity and understanding compassion have been squeezed out of treacherous hearts!
    The heroic Souls, who are already dead but testify while alive, nod to you.
    A crowd of obstacle-packs stacking dams shouts after you,
    why can’t you be a pathetic unfortunate who can't stand rehearsals because
    you are angry at the clever exhortation?!
    Konok would even boldly speak the honest Word between your lips;
    torn promises run round and round in bloody bargains!
    You are deliberately entering as the last starter for the morning relay race!
    Wailing wandering your faith waves a wave of sea waves!
    In the clouds, a wave-white seagull screamed hoarsely screaming!
    The Infinite can hardly seduce you because you would love
    to come to terms with yourself and reconcile with your little boy, Pan Peter!
    Eternal itchy!
    Your skull is still crying: where did you ruin your edited,
    put together things! They drove the enthusiastic macaw with you!
    The clown armies that wanted to attack also faced themselves!
    Demon vultures hang on strings and ropes,
    loose celeb heroes sniff after others to see if they can be famous!
    In the minds of self-lovers, there is a melting,
    rampant darkness because they believe when they are indispensable!
    Vipers rest among stones and hiss with their sharp throats again;
    I can’t open my petal-sealed, locked heart to anyone.
